Meet The Team
Meet our dedicated team of volunteers who look after the Leabrook Valley and are behind the smooth running of the organisation. At the core is our Green Team who help organise work days and other activities.
Rev. Dave Walker
Chairman of the charity & Head of the Finances
Norma Jex
Flower Expert
Neil Ashby-Senior
Barry Burwood
01246412171 07802876906
Wendy Temple
Neil - I have been involved with work around conducting wildlife surveys, planting trees and environmental work to help particular species. We have a new wildlife garden, hedge and meadows coming in 2022 which I have worked on.
I have a young family and enjoy walking through the valley showing my children all the wonderful things to be seen. I always take pictures as I don't always know the answer to "What's that?" and have to look it up when I get home; every day is a school day!
Wendy - I have been involved with the LBV almost from its inception in 2005. I joined a small committee that took the proposal to set up the LBV before Dronfield Town Council, for their approval. It was endorsed and the council continues to be very supportive of the project.
I was keen to be part of the LBV team as I embraced the idea of a Green Corridor through our town, to be enjoyed and appreciated by Dronfield residents. Also I believe God's creation should be respected and protected.
I enjoy being involved with the LBV project practically and serving as a trustee.
Recently I took on the Communications role enabling us to foster our links with A Rocha UK who guided and supported us in the project's early days and still continue to support us.
Barry - I have been a volunteer over 10 years. I took early retirement and a couple of years later I looked for local volunteering opportunities. The LBV project with its emphasis on preserving a green space for the local community and wildlife, fitted the bill.
The operations side of things in the Lea Brook Valley involves identifying and organising work that needs to be done to help maintain the valley. This involves both set workdays and adhoc smaller sessions for specific jobs. The volunteers have regular meetings to discuss, amongst other things, the work to do and dates on which the jobs will take place. I also organise the monthly litter pick.
The Green Team organise and are involved in;
Work Days:
Planting, pruning, weeding and clearing the site
Repairing and maintaining pathways
Creating new habitats & structures to increase biodiversity and wildlife
Surveys of flora and fauna
Monthly litter picks
Nature connection activities
Occasional open days
Social Media and Press articles
If you are interested in joining as a volunteer please contact the manager of your particular area of interest or email Wendy on
Board of Trustees
Rev. Dave Walker (Chairman)
Cllr. Mark Foster
Wendy Temple
Debbie Alston